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Welcome to Shambala Tantric massage lounge 

Prepare yourself for a blissful journey of enlightenment and sheer pleasure. Located in the heart of warsaw, it holds the key to all the ecstatic doors that you are willing to open. We get caught up with monotonous life full of hassles, we often forget about ourselves and pleasures we seek in a city like warsaw. Well, all your erotic fantasies would get reborn and revived in form of pleasure and enlighten your mind and body.

Moment you’ll get yourself engage with erotic, tantra/tantric, body to body, four hands, spa, sensual massage, lingam massages that we offer, you will get a glimpse of nirvana that will inject the purest form of ecstasy into your mind and body performed by expertised massage therapists from poland. Balming fragrance of oils and lotions crawling on your skin, tenderly sensual touches that gives euphoria, tingling sensations all over your body when the soothing music touches your soul expanding your consciousness, erotic fantasies turned to reality for multiple orgasms that takes you to cloud number nine, you will be revived as your true self with this massage experience.

Tantra massage helps you rediscover your senses at an emotional level, overcome relationship issues when you surrender yourself into erotic pleasures that it offers.Tantra/tantric being derived from neo tantric movement deals with erogenous zones of your body that helps you ease your mind. Lingam being related to tantric massage satisfies you and relieves all the stress with unforgettable sensual experience. Lingam lets you reach multiple orgasms with its erotic and sensual ways.

Body to body massage let’s you taste those seductive ways from body to body while your skin is dipped into oil and lotion enjoying sensual pleasures given by expertised masseuse and exchanging sensations from body to body gifting you happy times.

Medicinal bath with spa blended with sensual experience. Talking about spa, four hands massage to make you stress free when you are in a city like warsaw with a lot on your plate. When 2 masseuse with motive to relax you and four hands are doing their job, stress becomes a myth.

Poland has its perks, and when in warsaw, taking advantages of those perks could change your experience in poland. Indulge yourself with our therapy and our professional masseuses will take care of the rest.


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